Just a few of the companies and people who make a Magic Bus in Staniel Cay vacation possible.
Here’s the updated and complete list:
- **Makers Air**
Daily flights from Fort Lauderdale to Staniel Cay (4 trips per day)
For flight schedules and reservations: 1-954-771-0330
- **Titan Air**
Daily flights from Nassau to Staniel Cay (2 trips per day, not on Saturdays)
For flight schedules and reservations:
- **Flamingo Air**
Daily flights from Nassau to Staniel Cay (2 trips per day)
For flight schedules and reservations: 1-242-351-4963 or 1-242-377-0354
- **Graceful Wings Air Charter**
Private charter from Nassau to Staniel Cay
Contact Dreko Chamberlain: 1-242-359-1573
- **Randolph Holdings Air Charter**
Private charters from Nassau to Staniel Cay
Call: 1-242-477-1335
- **Golden Wings Charter**
Private charters from Nassau to Staniel Cay
Call: 1-242-377-0039
- **Global Yacht Concierge**
Worldwide luxury yacht services and personalized support.